What are the advantages of Having an After-Hours Help Desk?

31West Global Services
3 min readMar 26, 2021


Today’s customers expect to buy products and services at any hour of the day or night. They also expect support when they need it. Whether it’s returning a product, seeking technical support, resolving issues, or simply seeking information about a product or service, they want to do it in a convenient time.

Running a business is hard and keeping it successful in today’s market is even harder. It requires a lot of time and effort from each member of the company. Your company’s IT network plays an important role as a member of that team, and without it, your business would not be able to run.

That’s why it is essential to make sure that whenever you are working, your IT is working for you. Even after normal business hours.

Bad customer service drives clients to competitors and diminishes your brand. Great customer service sets you apart from the competition and increases customer retention. With a 24/7 helpdesk who are trained in your products, services, and business model, you can deliver an excellent customer service experience every time.

Whether you are selling products or providing services to your customers, having a gateway where they can get in touch when needed can benefit not only them but your business as well.

Connecting directly with customers is the most effective way to increase sales. With a 24/7 call center, you can generate more leads and close more sales through personalized interaction with your target customers.

There are several advantages of the After Hours Help Desk which includes:

Handle excess calls
After-Hours helpdesk can handle excess call volume to increase customer service and make sure no customer is left behind.

Handle after-hours calls
When you hire after-hours helpdesk support, you can offer round the clock service for a fraction of the price.

Adversity recovery

If your office is prone to bad weather, power outages and natural calamities. Or your call center software and IT infrastructure is not the most reliable. Contracting an external service provider to handle calls can be an effective way to ensure business continuity.

Cost advantages

There are several call center service providers that offer quality services at a very reasonable cost. You can save on operating costs by outsourcing your call center operations to an external service provider.

Increased Revenue Generation

Outsourcing call center services can help in increasing the revenues of your business. It can bring about an increase in all aspects of your business, in terms of excellence, performance and efficiency.

Save Resources

By outsourcing call center services, you can save manpower and infrastructure. No need to invest in training costs or expensive software. You can utilize your resources for core business developments and experience profits.

Specialized skills

Outsourcing call center services can help you get access to experienced professionals with specialized skills who can help your business to grow and achieve great results.

Access Latest Technology

Call centers give businesses the opportunity to use the latest technology without having to shoulder the added cost. They will provide the needed equipment to help improve your business operations. This is a great way to use technology more effectively and stay ahead of customer demands.

Work with Experts

An expert service provider has the capability to understand your business objectives and customer expectations. They can suggest appropriate strategies for your brand. It reduces your effort to look for a competent team and invest in providing additional training to your employees.

Improved productivity

Help Desk support helps your business to hire highly trained employees. This work set-up will result in higher work efficiency and productivity for both your business and your employees. This helps in increased productivity of your employees to work efficiently on higher-value work and earn profits for the company.

A 24/7 call center gives you well-trained operators who know how to answer questions, resolve customer service issues. This leads to greater customer experience and satisfaction.

Benchmarking abilities

An outsourced help desk provider is better placed than an in-house help desk. In fact, the help desk has targets created in line with the industry benchmarks for metrics such as first-contact resolution levels, Priority 1 resolution times, and average call-waiting times.


The choice of assigning your call center services to knowledgeable experts, leave customers with positive impressions of your company. Customers feel more valued and stay with the company for a long time.

An outsourcing company can improve your response time to a few minutes. Therefore, there rises a need to outsource your help desk services to an external party. They can bring a range of benefits to your business from reducing costs to lightening the load for stressed employees.



31West Global Services

Leading provider of 24/7 Call center & Back Office outsourcing service. Outsourced help desk & Inbound call center services outsourcing. https://www.31west.net